The vulnerability of pre terms babies born with complex medical conditions qualifies them for an early intervention plan by a trained developmental therapist . The core idea revolves around stimulation of the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, social development and cognitive arousal.

There may be a non-progressive damage to the central nervous system of a foetus or infant that would affect the movement and posture causing activity limitation. This leads to secondary changes associated with muscle mis- and dis-use which unfortunately are progressive.

Early physiotherapy interventions can help a child improve body movements that are not possible due to poor motor control and muscle weakness. It also helps in overcoming joint contractures and muscle stiffness which restrict effective movement in the children as they grow older. Thus, the timely intervention by the physiotherapist can lead to the development of correct motor pattern, better management of sensory deficit along with the management of abnormal reflexes and achievement of age specific milestones. At Newton CDSC we provide comprehensive evaluation and counseling to high risk infants and the neonate for successful administration of neuro-developmental techniques that facilitates movement. The functional abilities of the child can be improved by adaptation to aids and appliances.

Thus, early physiotherapy intervention helps the child experience correct motor patterns, achieve age appropriate milestones, timely integration of abnormal reflexes and encourage better coping of any sensory deficit .

Goals of Early Physiotherapy Intervention

  • Improve muscle activation and strength
  • Improve motor control
  • Improve effectiveness and variability of movement
  • Preserve muscle length and joint flexibility
  • Promote balance and coordination
  • Reduce muscle stiffness and spasms
  • Enhance postural stability
  • Improve quality of life

Role of Therapist

  • Comprehensive evaluation
  • Planning the early intervention for adequate sensory motor stimulation of the high risk neonate.
  • Counselling to the care giver for feeding and handling
  • Care of the associated conditions if any
  • Administer neuro-developmental techniques for movement facilitation
  • To plan functional gains for short end long term treatment of the child
  • To assist the child adequately for adaptations with respect to aids and appliances
  • To work as an efficient team member of rehabilitation department.


Physical therapists can provide developmental interventions can provide the high risk infant with the opportunity to experience movements that would otherwise not be possible due to his/her comorbid conditions and thus, improve functional outcomes. By practicing meaningful and effective skills in varied environments, the child will have the opportunity to acquire skills that will allow them to achieve age appropriate gross and fine motor development ,be more independent with ADLs and increase their level of participation in society.

Emily Haden
Dental Surgeon
Emily Haden
Dental Surgeon
Emily Haden
Dental Surgeon
Emily Haden
Dental Surgeon

Physiotherapy Department


Newton CDC Babylon Jaipur : Child Development Center In Jaipur
Newton CDC Babylon Jaipur : Child Development Center In Jaipur
Newton CDC Babylon Jaipur : Child Development Center In Jaipur
Newton CDC Babylon Jaipur : Child Development Center In Jaipur

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